Sunday, June 9, 2013

Briefly, Britain's Got Talent.

I haven't watched this series of Britain's Got Talent because I not find it boring. It used to be okay for a laugh of some light entertainment but it has just gone on too long. I did however catch some of the final.

The highlight for me was the egg thrower. I won't go into detail but the way she stood there lobbing eggs at Simon Cowell, with a huge grin across her face, as though she was showering him with rose petals was hilarious. As for the act going on behind her, well it was mediocre at best. They weren't bad singers but they weren't that great. The comedian wasn't very funny, but for a 14 year old I suppose he is pretty good and much braver than me. Especially when you consider that he has cerebral palsy, although if he wasn't disabled then I'm not entirely sure he would've got so far in the competition.

The puzzling thing for me though is that the winners were Hungarian. I thought it was Britain's Got Talent? Don't get me wrong, I think we should celebrate our cultural diversity, but surely by them winning it it proves that Britain hasn't got talent.

Ah well, I wonder when Hungary's Got Talent starts?

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