Monday, June 17, 2013

The Apprentice and Barry Scott.

I can't tell if the Cillit Bang adverts and the BBC's The Apprentice are serious or not. Are they tongue-in-cheek, just for entertainment or are they actually genuine.

First off, Cillit Bang is so over-the-top that you'd think it can't be serious. At the same time however it isn't quite ludicrous enough to make me sure. The adverts are fronted by Barry Scott, who isn't actually a real person and is in fact an effusive character played by Neil Burgess. What I can't figure out is whether or not the advert as a whole is taking itself seriously. Using Scott would make you think that it is either tongue-in-cheek or they can't afford anyone better. Cillit Bang don't look classy enough to have an M&S style advert, but equally they can afford prime advertisement slots. I just can't figure it out. If someone from Cillit Bang, or Barry Scott, sorry Neil Burgess, can let me know then that'd be greatly appreciated.

Secondly and perhaps more importantly is whether or not The Apprentice is actually a serious program. It receives a prime-time slot on the BBC as well as coverage on other shows and ever sometimes on the news. The 'judges' are also all people with genuine business backgrounds, even if Alan Sugar isn't all that great. The overall appearance and advertising of the show, combined with the stuff I just said does make the show seem serious. Where this serious front falls down however is the contestants. They're thick. They're thick but think they're god's gift to mankind. Are these people really worthy of the apprenticeship prize? It seems that wearing a suit, having a blackberry and an expensive haircut are all you need to be a businessman/woman. Oh and you have to be a t**t. If these are the best the business world has to offer then no bloody wonder the economy collapsed.

Are they both serious? Answers on a postcard. (by which I mean leave a comment in the comments box below)

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