Wednesday, July 17, 2013

State of Origin.

Today saw the decider of the 3 game State of Origin series and it didn't fail to disappoint. Queensland won the game 12-10, making New South Wales the losers for the past 8 years. NSW can consider themselves a little unlucky but there is no denying what a fantastic team the Queensland outfit is. The massive crowds, the build up, the intensity of the game all make for a great spectacle. I just wish we had something like that in England. We do have The Ashes, which is an intense rivalry, but without the physical contact it just isn't the same.

The attitude towards sport in Australia must be the key difference. It is taken much more seriously and is funded much better, and that is why at most sports they are better than us. We could have a competition as intense as the State of Origin, but only if we invest in sport more. It isn't just a matter of entertainment, but fitness, health, well being and even money. If you can sell out an 80,000 seat stadium then you'll be bringing in a hell of a lot of money.

Here's hoping sport in the UK can take off.

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