Monday, July 8, 2013

Recent lack of posts. Also planes, trains, the weather, Egypt and space.

Sorry for not posting much over the last few days, but in my defence I haven't been near my laptop much. Also, I was in Hell Hull yesterday. Another excuse I have is the weather. In England it has been fantastically sunny. Perhaps too warm for some people, certainly at night and hayfever sufferers are getting it pretty bad, but it is still much nicer than this time last year. Last summer was the wettest on record.

So, having been away from a computer for a few days I notice a few things have happened. There have been a few plane crashes, a runaway train and something which very closely resembles the beginnings of a civil war in Egypt. My deepest sympathies to all who have been effected by those recent events.

In less serious news Google informs me that it is 66 years since the Roswell UFO incident. If you believe it or not, it is difficult to gaze up at the thousands of twinkling stars in the night's sky and not think that in all that space there must  be something else living out there. I personally think that Earth is the only planet with life and we are the exception that proves the rule, or space is teeming with life. I do hope there is intelligent life out there, because there isn't much here on Earth.

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