Friday, July 12, 2013

Ice Cream Vans.

I love ice cream vans. The various tunes they play, the array of delicious food, the convenience, the nice people who serve you and how much of a welcome sight they are during warm weather like we've been having lately. All of this got me thinking. Well, actually it got me hungry, but after eating an ice lolly I started thinking. Do other countries have ice cream vans? I know America has them and I doubt that places that are cold all year round have them, but do hot countries have them? Are there any in North Africa of the Middle East for example? Are there any in Australia of South America? If there aren't then I may have found a gap in the market.

As always answers in the comments box. Also if anybody sees this as a worthwhile investment then I'm perfectly willing to partner you.

Stay cool everyone.

By eating frozen treats.

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