Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Oh no not the Post Office too!

Regardless of your opinion of the Royal Mail, it works. It is easy to complain about it and it does have flaws, but it has existed for almost 500 years and well over 100 years in a form we'd recognise today. So why, after so long, has the government decided to sell it? If it isn't turning a profit in the hands of the government; the people who have ran it for hundreds of years, why should it suddenly become a cash-cow in the inexperienced hands of private enterprise? Things do get lost and sometimes broken in the post and sometimes things are late, but considering how many pieces of mail must be sent every day it is pretty impressive that the vast majority of things I want through the post arrive and arrive on time. It is a fairly simple rule that I think most people know; if it isn't broke, don't fix it. As far as I can see Royal Mail isn't broke. It might not be fantastically profitable, but that doesn't mean the government should give up on it. If the government were as forward thinking as they pretend to be then they'd think if initiatives to make the postal service more profitable, rather than do their default option of just selling it off. 

This government has no answers to any problems we face. All they can do is sell every government asset off in a cowardly attempt to absolve themselves of any blame. I might sound like I am overreacting but we can't just sit back and take this kind of thing. The NHS is still under threat from privatisation.

Can we please make some sort of stand for Royal Mail?

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