Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Titanic II.

No, it isn't a sequel to James Cameron's 1997 borefest, or the utterly terrible 2010 film, thankfully, it is a real functioning ship. Or at least it will be by 2016. Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer has revealed plans to build an (almost) identical replica of the ill fated vessel that sank over 100 years ago. The ship will from both inside and out appear authentic, from 1st to 3rd class. Whilst nobody this time around is calling the ship 'unsinkable', Titanic II will be 'the most safe cruise ship when it is launched', fully equipped with 18 modern lifeboats. Although some people may be put off by issues regarding taste, there are already 40,000 passengers signed up. Perhaps some signing up with the idea of commemorating Titanic victims?

Personally I think it is a brilliant idea. The Titanic was a far more stylish ship than the modern day floating apartment blocks that pass for luxury cruise liners. Not only this but there are 3 classes. 1st class, which has all the perks you'd expect, down to 3rd class, with authentic Irish stew, dancing and music and shared toilet facilities. There are also plans to provide accurate costumes for passengers, according to their ticket. This venture isn't just an attempt to relive the past; air conditioning, a casino and a theatre have all been added to make the journey feel a bit more up to date. Aside from looking brilliant, the whole experience should be, well, fun. The novelty of crossing the Atlantic on a Titanic replica would only add to the usual cruise liner experience and the fact that it is being funded by a somewhat eccentric billionaire makes the whole project a bit more likable.

This might not seem like the obvious thing to do during a recession and many may consider the whole thing a waste of money, but at least you'll be wasting it in style.

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