Tuesday, February 19, 2013

So, it has come to this, I've started a blog.

I don't know if starting this blog is my way of having a midlife crisis. I haven't bought a Harley Davidson, started guitar lessons or had an affair (its difficult to have an affair when you're not already in a relationship). Then again, it would only be a midlife crisis provided I die sometime around the age of 42. Either way it has come to this, I've started a blog.

I've not decided what it will be about, or even the general tone. It took me about two days to choose what font to use and to be honest I'm still not totally convinced. I will try and keep these posts concise. Nobody particularly enjoys meandering their way through unnecessarily long sentences that go on and on for what seem like minutes, only to find out that what the author really wanted to say could have been summed up in far, far fewer words. Sometimes it will be useful, sometimes informative, sometimes serious and sometimes funny. I hope.

I will probably rant, rave, criticise and ramble, you know, like a person, but in words. Also, like a person, I will be topical as well as reminisce about things from the past, like when beef burgers were made from cows. I have no idea how long it will last, how many times I will post or how good or successful it will be. Well, wish me luck, I've started a blog.

(Oh and please comment)


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