Friday, February 22, 2013

Things I don't understand. Volume 1.

There are many things I don't understand. This is just Volume 1, I'm sure I'll be adding to it. If there is a reasonable explanation for any of these things then please comment.

1. Why is the letter 'y' not a vowel?

I can't think of a word that doesn't have either a vowel or the letter 'y' in. If 'y' was a vowel then there would finally be a rule in the English language that actually works. For example the whole "'i' before 'e' except after 'c'" thing is a terrible rule (think about it).

2. Why do people sometimes say 'no, yeah' or 'yeah, no' as a response to a question?

Surely its one of the other. It can cause confusion, especially if you're not face to face, because you can't read the person's body language. It's also becoming more popular. At present it just seems to be used in general chit chat, but if it finds its way into serious conversations then we could be in real trouble; "Sir, the enemy is attacking! Should we fire the missile?" - "yeah, no" -"eh?"

3. Why is Justin Bieber so popular?

Well, why? In terms of his music he is a very, very highly polished turd. He has a personality, which is aimed with about as much subtlety as a rocket propelled grenade to the face from three feet away, to make teenage girls scream like utter morons. I could go on, but I'll probably save that for another day.

4. Why trap the good guy/bad guy in an easily escapable or overly-elaborate situation?

This is usually something that the bad guy does to the good guy; like leaving a highly trained secret agent out of sight and just presuming that the crocodiles will eat him, or the laser will chop him in half, or that the guards will perform their job with some level of competency. Now however it seems like the good guys are doing similar things. Take the latest James Bond film for example. MI6 decide that the best place for a highly trained, mentally unstable, former agent who is brilliant at hacking almost anything electronic, is inside a glass cell with an electronically operated door, with a fairly minimal amount of men, who are of course not as highly trained, guarding it.

5. Chinese writing

I do not understand Chinese writing.

6. Why is almost everything delicious also unhealthy?

It just isn't fair. Why haven't we evolved to have taste buds that crave more healthy foods? Surely it would be an evolutionary advantage to want to eat things that won't make you lose your big toe to diabetes, or make you expand until you get to the size where an 18th century whaler would shout "thar she blows!" at you.

Well, that is all for now, but I'll be back some other time with more. Please comment if you have any explanations or if you just want to tell me how bad I am at this.

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